About Us

Michicka International Foundation works to improve the living conditions and seeks to promote proper conditions for pet indoor keeping.
The team members behind the foundation and the website share the idea of a dignified life and an adequate natural environment of the animals in our homes:
Lili Goranova – was a textile designer, organizes exhibitions, artistic and cinematic productions. She has lived and studied in Belgium, Germany and Austria.
Yukako Minev – promotes companies and organizations working on cultural and economic contacts between Europe and Japan. She studied in New Zeeland and her home city is Fukuoka, Japan.
Ralitsa Konstantinova – is a social anthropologist and explorer. She graduated at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Rayna Atanasova – is an illustrator and artist with a degree in animation from the New Bulgarian University, Sofia. She is a graphic, video and audio productions maker and a book presenter for European projects dealing with promotions of quality literature.
Boris Tabov – studied ecology at the University of Forestry, Sofia. He practices computer engineering and participates at numerous technical projects.
Alexandar Vlaev – has a degree in anthropology, makes films about social subjects. He has lived in Ireland.
Ivaylo Zlatkov – is a translator, photographer and visual artist.
Pеtar Tabov – has a degree in journalism at the Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”. Former publisher and tech entrepreneur.
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